Friday, May 27, 2011

Back to my Invention!

Remember a few posts back I made a little life simulation invention idea? I could improve on that. Some could have a chance of not getting a job, and will be in poverty. If you run out of food, you lose health. If your kids hang out around other kids, there will be a slight chance that a new common cold/flu will be made, but if one kid has the flu, one kid will get the flu also. They will have it for 7 days, and have less health. Adults can only get sick from kids. If you lose all of your health, you 'die'. This is one of the only reasons for the consumer to come and bring them back to life (re-activate them).

What really sparked my interest was the Nao robot. Check it out.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Guess what? I got a job at the Preschool VBS Volunteer! I told you yesterday, but a lady called me for information. I got the job with 3-4 year old's. Yay! June 5th 4:30 PM I will not be available till 6:15. If you wanted to do stuff with the 'cool kid' during that time; sorry!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Yes! Joshua Awward! AH DANG IT!

Alright. I won a little prize I call...


Applause. Yes. It is the highest award at IBCREC. That's our church recreational stuff. I think you get it for being a leader and positive. I was the only one. Easy win! And here is IBC's answer.
8. Awards.  An Awards Night will be held, usually the Monday before the final game -- check the Registration form for actual dates.   At this time all of our participants will receive a certificate and trophy for their participation.  In addition, one person from each team will receive our Joshua Award for displaying consistant effort, sportsmanship, leadership and improvement with a Christ-like attitude.


Anyways, that contest? The Minecraft Slot Contest I promised? Nathan gave Thumbs Up. Yes. The Thumbs Up. Not the thumbs up. The Thumbs Up. You have to be under 15 however.

Use this Application to enter:
Do you play Minecraft:
If yes, what is your username:
What is your role in Minecraft:

Not doing the name thing, your profile should be enough. You can enter your first name if you want to, however.

Okay! You only win if I approve of it and you play Minecraft. Good day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Alrighty...How do I do this?

Got a new program, Blender, trying it out now, 3D modeling. YEAH! It's GOTTA be easy...

Well. Woah.
Nah. Sorry if your computer just lagged. Uninstalling Blender...

I had a explosive time at camping. If you like fire ant bites. OMG. Pus everywhere.
So, anyways, I am having fun at home. It's not so bad. Just tiny little pus balloons. Writer's block. Argh.

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